Are you ready for Your Branding Adventure?

Blaze Your Way To Brand Clarity

The Ultimate Money-Making Branding Roadmap Cover

Where Should I Send Your FREE Trailblazing Branding Roadmap?

Feeling lost On the branding Trail?

Does your branding & messaging make you feel like you don't know where you're Going or How To Even get there...

I’ll be your compass, guiding you towards 


Meet your Trailblazing Guide

 Hi, I’m Tara.

Trailblazer. Strategist. Brand Whisperer.

I’m a seasoned entrepreneur who’s conquered mountains in the business world, as well as real ones, like Everest- you can read more about that here. From leading sales and marketing for a multi-million dollar companies to forging my own path with multiple businesses, I’ve seen the power of a well-defined brand.

But the most inspiring journeys are the ones I guide others on. As a Certified Life/Biz Coach and advocate for women entrepreneurs (having served on a women’s funding non-profit board) and mentored and worked with hundreds of women, I’m passionate about helping you blaze your own trail to success.

Your brand is your compass. It guides your direction and attracts the perfect clients who resonate with your unique journey. That’s why I help you craft a brand that’s as bold and authentic as you are. Let’s GO! 

Which Direction Are You Headed In Your Marketing Journey?

Your Branding Map


Your Secret Sauce 

  • Identify and clearly articulate what sets your brand apart from competitors.
  • Highlight your unique selling points (USPs) in all messaging.


Vision and Mission

  • Define your brand’s long-term vision and mission.
  • Ensure these statements reflect your core values and purpose.



  •  Speak your Truth. Be genuine and transparent in all communications.
  • Align your brand’s actions with its stated values and promises.



  • The fundamental beliefs and principles guiding the brand’s actions and decisions.
  • Shapes the brand’s culture and influences interactions with customers, partners, and the broader community.


Visual Identity

  • Develop a strong, cohesive visual identity that reflects your brand’s personality.
  • Use consistent colors, fonts, and imagery across all platforms.


Voice & Personality

  • Develop a distinctive and consistent tone that reflects your brand’s character in all communications.
  • Craft a personality that resonates with your target audience, making your brand feel more human and approachable.


Target Audience

  • Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience.
  • Create detailed buyer personas to tailor your messaging effectively.



  • Maintain uniformity across all branding elements and messaging channels.
  • Ensure that your brand’s message, tone, visuals, and actions align consistently to reinforce your identity and build trust with your audience.

Journal Note:

When I left for my trip around the world, one of my assistants gave me a compass as a leaving gift. On the back of it, she engraved, "It all starts with one step," which is what I told her when she first started working for me. I told her and my team that I would take a picture of it every where I went. Here are a few of those pics:

We Will Create A Roadmap Together That Will Get YOU To Where You Want To Go.

So you create a business you love and clients who love you.


What Some Past Trailblazers Have Said...

I was really struggling to get my message across when I approached Tara for help. It seemed that the more I tried to explain what I do, the more confusing my message got. I tried to narrow it down, I tried to talk to my ideal client. I tried to describe what I did, but the more I worked on it, it seemed the more confusing. So I was really excited with the opportunity to work with Tara. Thanks to her help, I now have a message that clearly resonates with my ideal client.

Tara didn’t just tell me what to do. Instead, she gave me assignments to complete and then checked in with me to see how I was doing. With Tara, you get assignments to do each week and you get accountability to get it done. This helped me to take ownership of my learning and to make real progress. Some of these assignments were incredibly challenging but were also incredibly valuable. As a result of working with Tara, I now have a clear, concise message that resonates with my ideal audience and my business is definitely moving in the right direction!

I really appreciate your help and guidance. I’ve learned a lot from you. Thanks again for everything!

If you are looking for a coach, who will help you to take ownership of your learning and to make real progress, I highly recommend Tara.

-Lisa T. , Business Coach

"Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business." - Steve Forbes

Ready to blaze your brand trail and get your business making that cha-ching?

women trailblazers

Let's GO!

I can’t say enough great things about Tara.

I can’t say enough great things about Tara. My business coaching sessions with her have been so helpful, insightful and productive. We started by working on discovering my ideal client. She helped me clarify and identify who she was and the details that made her my ideal client. Tara shared in my excitement of this discovery and encouraged me in refining this client and how to market to her. She is a very astute professional that opens you to ideas you may not have thought of inside your business and marketing. I would definitely recommend her to anyone looking for business and marketing coaching.  She will bring out the best in you by bringing her best to your sessions.

Theresa W.

Bookkeeper, Life Coach

Tara is an absolute DREAM to work with.

Tara is an absolute DREAM to work with. She is a ROCKSTAR business coach! If you want help starting a business or rebuilding an existing one, Tara has the talent and expertise to help you. She is so easy to work with and so much fun! It made a very stressful situation into a fun and exciting experience. She was a great sounding board for me to bounce ideas off and she always guided me in the right direction. She’s a creative guru when it comes to branding and marketing! Tara taught me things I needed to do to be successful. She gave me a checklists of things I needed to do and saved me a lot of time trying to figure it out on my own. What I love about her is her creativity, analytical mind and her ability to see an issue before it happens and put in operating procedures to be set up for success. She is THE DREAM TEAM and I am so glad she was on my team and I was one of her clients!

Luisa H.

Entrepreneur & Business Owner

Tara has been amazing to work with.

Tara has been amazing to work with. Her passion for helping business owners with branding and marketing shines through. She has pushed me to new levels which has allowed me to create the business I REALLY want, not just a business. I value her opinion and expertise and I look forward to working with her long term.

Robin R.

Business Coach

She has many gifts and one of them is helping people see things they can’t.

I LOVE talking to Tara. I always start our conversations confused, not knowing how to navigate something or do something and I always end our calls feeling clarity and empowerment. She has many gifts and one of them is helping people see things they can’t. She is helping me get my business to the next level while also making sure I am aligned with my purpose.

I love the way she makes me feel at ease and never like I don’t know what I am doing. She asks great questions that really make me have to think through things. She helps me get tangible next steps that lead me to reach the goals I am after. She is awesome to talk to and I look forward to our calls! I highly recommend her!

Melody C.

Executive Partner

Tara’s coaching has made a remarkable difference in my life!

Tara’s coaching has made a remarkable difference in my life, both personally and professionally.  She has helped me to look at all areas of my life (from love to business to creating balance), and has taught me to map out my goals and intentions, determine what’s holding me back and what I need to move forward, and set simple, attainable steps to achieving my goals.

Our weekly coaching exercises have exceeded all of my expectations.  Not only does she have a great way about her, I truly respect her business expertise as she has a wealth of experience that translates to many industries.

Tara celebrates life by helping others create the life of their dreams.  She is a great listener, has deeply genuine intentions of helping others achieve their dreams and goals, and lives a life full of inspiration and passion.

Danielle S.

Entrepreneur & Business Owner

I am so happy I found her!

Tara has been an amazing Coach/Mentor helping me market a new concept in coaching. Originally, she was set to help me grow and expand my current Sales Coaching Business, but through a series of questions I quickly came to realize that I was not following my heart, my soul and my true purpose and desire to coach. Tara quickly helped me realize that I owed it to myself to explore making the change. Since that time, the ability to express myself as we build out the marketing and branding portion of my new venture has been organically raw and true and connected.

I am so happy I found her, she knows how to keep me focused and targeted toward my ultimate goal. She is skilled at guiding me to stay congruent in my messaging and careful not to let me go too far off my messaging, keep it simple, direct and passionate, this is what I am learning. She is easy to work with and clear with the mission, even when I am not. So excited to finish this journey out with her as my guide and coach. I recommend her to anyone wanting to get their messaging in line with their mission. Tara is truly a professional I am fortunate to have crossed paths with.

Mary P.

Life Coach

One of the most amazing business coaches that I’ve encountered since I’ve been in the industry.

I have to take a moment to share a testimonial with you about one of the most amazing business coaches that I’ve encountered since I’ve been in the industry. Her name is Tara and she is phenomenal. In less than 20 mins, Tara took me from a frantic energy where I was panicked because I had so much to do and felt like I’d never get it done. She calmed me. She centered me and then she walked me through what I needed to do during the day and gave me very simple practical assignments in a way of looking at my day, that helped me to calm and to realize that this is actually really easy. I can do all these things. Absolutely brilliant.

I love her personality. She just has this beautiful calming presence about her. She so easy to talk to and she genuinely listens. She listens with the intent of trying to discover how she can best help you. I cannot thank her enough. I know that I had some very important things that I was scared to get done and they’re going to get done and they are going to get done well because of the coaching you provided. I can’t wait to work with you again.

Jennifer M.

Director of Operations

She is a decisive leader who donated so much of her time, wisdom, and talent to improving our community.

I am the Executive Director of Women’s Fund of Hawaii (WFH), and Tara was a board member for several years. She is a decisive leader who donated so much of her time, wisdom, and talent to improving our community and making me more effective at my job. Tara always made time for the organization, so I frequently relied on her to navigate potential conflicts or problems. Her diplomatic approach to sensitive issues definitely benefited WFH and me personally. In addition, Tara is a very talented and creative graphic artist. She helped build Women’s Fund of Hawaii’s brand, and WFH will always be indebted to her for that.

Leela G.

Executive Director

Tara is a creative genius!

Tara is a creative genius! I worked with her on a digital media project. Photography, design, marketing, mentoring, she’s gifted in all areas with a standard that is unwavering. She is a critical thinker and was able to easily navigate any issues that arose, a natural leader. She also has an incredible knack for connecting with people and her easy going nature made working together very enjoyable. I really look forward to working with her again in the future!

Jen S.

Executive Chef

She’s simply phenomenal!

Where do I start with Tara! She’s simply phenomenal! Not only is she genuine and full of heart and passion, but her ability to educate and welcome others into her world is second to none. She has a gift of brand and marketing that is appealing to the eyes of many.

It’s like she knows what her clientele is looking for, before they even know themselves. Every experience I’ve shared with Tara has been memorable in the most positive way possible. Tara herself is a brand, a brand of excellence and anyone would be blessed to work alongside her!

Eva R.

Assistant Vice President

Tara was highly effective!

Tara was highly effective in helping me get clarity on my business and get it started so much quicker than if I had done it on my own. She gives great attention to detail, is very organized and efficient. She made the process so simple. Thanks again!!!

Sherri C.

Life Coach

Tara is a great Business and Marketing Coach!

Tara is a great Business and Marketing coach with a direct coaching style and is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs become successful.

One of the things I wanted to work on was that I was unclear about my niche. Tara helped me drill down to find my target market. Guess what happened? She asked me great questions that got me thinking about what it is I really want to do.  That idea turned out to be targeted, focused, and aligned with my purpose to help others. Whew! Tara got that darn niche out of me by the end of the second session. Now, I can move forward with more confidence with a laser approach to my new target market. I highly recommend her!

Holly C.

Life Coach