Brand Audit Playbook


A step-by-step audit workbook dives into all aspects of your brand—identity, values, messaging, visuals—and gives you tools like exercises and checklist to pinpoint what’s great, what needs work, and craft a roadmap for a stronger, more connected brand that truly speaks to your audience and helps achieve your business goals.

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This playbook is your roadmap to deeply understanding your brand, step by step, ensuring it resonates perfectly with your audience.

We’re going to decode your brand’s DNA, bit by bit!

The Brand Audit Playbook serves as a comprehensive tool to evaluate, analyze, and enhance the very many facets of your brand. It delves deep into your brand’s identity, values, positioning, messaging, and visual elements, providing structured exercises, checklists, and guidance to assess your current brand status.

It helps identify strengths to leverage and weaknesses to address, enabling you to develop a strategic roadmap for brand refinement, consistency, and growth.

Plus – it has a a real life example for you to follow along!

You’ll meet Holly and follow as she goes through her brand assessment!

This workbook empowers you to create a stronger, more resonant brand that connects meaningfully with your audience and achieves your business goals.